Newsletter for core TJ Fans! (メルマガ登録)
Sales, Shows, and Secret information!
(PRE-ORDER) "Puke Girl Hakiko"
(PRE-ORDER) "Face Ripper"
(PRE-ORDER) "MINAMOTO -shibari-" small bust
(PRE-ORDER) "Onmyoji " (Standard)
一点物 髑髏芸者 -焔- Dokuro Geisha -Homura-
(PRE-ORDER) Small Bust "Two Mouths"
(PRE-ORDER) "Catcomb Gaki" (Standard)
(PRE-ORDER) "Mad Dog” Cerberus" (s size)
(PRE-ORDER) "Zombie Gaki" Standard size
(PRE-ORDER) "Devil Summoner"
(PRE-ORDER) "Jinmenken"white
(PRE-ORDER) "Jinmenken" black
(PRE-ORDER) "Evil Gaki" (Standard)
(PRE-ORDER) "Torturer La Se Tu" (small size)
(PRE-ORDER) "Hannya's Marriage" (small size)
(PRE-ORDER) Catacomb Doctor (Small)
(PRE-ORDER)Faceless Geisha (small size)
(PRE-ORDER) Gaki Twins (small size)
(PRE-ORDER) King of Gaki (small size)
(PRE-ORDER) Cerberus (Standard size)
(PRE-ORDER) Custom 3" Dunny "Rokurokubi"
(PRE-ORDER) Dokuro Geisha (small size)
(PRE-ORDER) Gaki "Catacomb" (Small size)
(PRE-ORDER) Torturer "Buretsu" (Small size)
(PRE-ORDER) Dokuro Geisha
(PRE-ORDER) Torturer "Eyeball Python"(Standard)
Custom 3" Dunny "Noppera-bo (No face)"
Custom 3" Dunny "Double-Headed Death"
Custom 3" Dunny "Yokai Yurei" (Ghost)
"Gynoid" (Standard Size)
"医者-The Doctor-" (Small size)
(PRE-ORDER) Anatomical Model Gaki (S-size)
Torturer "The Destruction"-拷問人(破壊)-
Baphomet "婆娑羅-Basara-" (Small size)
Gaki "Ghost Monk" Small size
GAKI "Anatomical Model" (Standard Size)
GAKI "Doctor" (Standard Size)
Cursed Monk Dunny -怨僧-
"GAKI" Ghost Monk (Standard Size)
地獄太夫 "Tayu from The Hell"
(PRE-ORDER) Faceless Bride (Standard size)
Study "Yokai Tenome"-Eye on Hand-
Drawing "Bag Collector"
Custom Dunny "The 13th Cross" ed.3
Custom Dunny ' Assassin'
Custom Dunny 'School Girl Sorcerer'
Custom Dunny 'Elizabeth Báthory' ed.3
Custom Dunny 'Yokai Monk'